Sunday, August 9, 2009

Il Bacio del Perdono

Il bacio del perdono

Il bacio del perdono
(The Kiss of Forgivness) is the third piece of the series “Uomo e Donna.” Like the other paintings preceding it in this series, it represents a man and a woman in a semi-abstract fashion by using dramatic colors and simplifying the human form into its geometrical essentials. In this painting, however, the man and the woman are not embracing each other as they are in “Sensibilitá di donna” and “Il Pescatore e la sirena.” They are sitting on the floor hunched-over, facing opposite directions and seemingly, upset at one another. Nevertheless, a closer examination of their body language—the points of contact between their two bodies—and the expressions on their faces reveals something more. The vibrant reds and oranges dominating the background represent the intensity of emotions the couple is experiencing and meant to create a great contrast along side the cool blues, purples and greens dispersed throughout the painting. Said contrast embodies the disharmony of the moment. While the large indigo window set in the background is a critical element for the painting’s composition, its violet-blue hues provide the viewer’s eye with a “resting” area which naturally frames the man and the woman’s telltale faces. The indigo window also serves to symbolize a metaphorical window into their minds, one which represents a desire for union and peace and which is always present even during the fiercest moments of a conflict.

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Stéfano August 13, 2009 at 6:19 AM  

Soy Stéfano, Mariona me pasó la dirección del blog. Sólo quería decirte que me están gustando mucho las pinturas; estoy esperando a ver la siguiente. Un abrazo.

lafiebredelmono October 5, 2009 at 7:50 AM  

que interesante... el en tonos de azul y ella en tonos rojos???
eso que traduce???

me gusta.


Stephc August 2, 2011 at 8:50 AM  

Can you please tell me the size of this painting? I need this information for an assignment. Thank you.